๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ปDev Resources

Use these resources to help make the development process easier

These resources can also be found on our community developers GitHub repo. Stay connected there for faster updates.

  • Hook Mine And Sinker: Mine addresses for UniswapV4 Hooks. This tool can be used to generate random addresses that are eligible to become hooks. This can be useful for testing or for deploying your own Hooks.

  • Hook Deployer: Hook create2 deployer. This tool can be used to deploy hooks to Ethereum.

  • Saucepoint's Template: This template repository provides a starting point for writing Uniswap V4 hooks. It includes the necessary files and contracts to get started. This template can be used to create a custom hook that can be used to execute arbitrary code on every swap.

  • SolidityLabs' Template: Foundry-based template for developing custom pool in Uniswap v4 with hooks.

  • Uniswap Foundation Ambassador's GitHub Repo: A repo filled with resources to help you get started with building hooks.

  • Arrakis' Playground: This playground is a web-based application that allows you to interact with hooks. You can use this playground to test your own hooks or to learn more about how hooks work. This playground can be used to test the functionality of your hooks by simulating swaps.

  • Lucas Martin Calderon's Template: This repository contains a template for a hook that was created for the ETHGlobal Hackathon. This template can be used to create a custom hook that can be used to provide liquidity to a particular pool.

  • Nick Addison's Template: This repository contains a template for a hook that includes a factory to mine addresses and trace diagrams. This template can be used to create a custom hook that can be used to mine addresses and generate trace diagrams.

  • LearnWeb3: On-chain "take-profit" orders hook: This tutorial from LearnWeb3 delves into the intricacies of Uniswap v4 hooks. The lesson guides users through building a hook for placing 'take-profit' positions, exemplified by the scenario where a user in an ETH/DAI pool can set an automatic order to sell all their ETH when the price reaches a determined price.

  • Solidity Developer: Integrate Uniswap v4 and create a custom hook: This tutorial provides a deep dive, showcasing the nuanced mechanisms for executing fees, the importance of the Ethereum address prefix for the hooks contract, and use of the CREATE2 opcode to deploy contracts with deterministic addresses. A tangible example of using hooks to enable limit orders is presented.

  • James Bachini: Introduction to Hooks: This tutorial showcases using the "beforeSwap" hook function to introduce custom actions during a swap.

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